Baseball Toaster Bad Altitude
Nuts to This
2006-01-29 04:05
by Mark T.R. Donohue

I don't know how this escaped my attention until now, but the Rockies' Modesto affiliate will "play a prominent role" in an upcoming episode of "the greatest family television show in the history of television drama," which according to Nuts GM Mike Gorrasi is "7th Heaven."

The episode, in which a character must make a difficult choice between college and potential Rockies stardom, will air Monday, January 30th on the (doomed) WB network. If you're willing to wade through the treacle, "the Modesto Nuts team name, logo and jersey will be seen and mentioned throughout the episode." Woo! This may well be your only chance to see any Rockies affiliate on national TV. On the downside, Jessica Biel is apparently no longer with the show.

2006-01-29 14:07:55
1.   Bob Timmermann
"the greatest family television show in the history of television drama,"

Earl Hamner is going to kick that guy's ass.

2006-01-29 15:38:28
2.   das411
!!!!! PLEASE tell me a certain Nuts outfielder who wears #8 will be in this episode...

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