Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
westernhomes (at) yahoo (dot) com
I didn't catch much of this game but it doesn't appear as if I missed much. I heard Joe Kennedy give up a homer to Paul Konerko in the first and I had a pretty good idea of how the rest of the game would unfold. Freddy Garcia in eight innings illustrated a truism about Coors Field pitching: if you don't walk anybody, and you strike a bunch (10) guys out, you'll probably get pretty good results. Actually, that's true at most ballparks.
Besides Brad Hawpe's three-run homer in the bottom of the first, there were no offensive highlights for the Rockies, so that saves me some time. Colorado did not manage another baserunner against Garcia and only Desi Relaford's walk off of Shingo Takatsu in the ninth prevented the White Sox pitchers from posting eight perfect innings. Kennedy meanwhile was awful, giving up eleven hits, walking four, and getting touched for eight earned. I believe that now every starting pitcher the Rockies have except for Jeff Francis is one start away from being yanked, except where is Colorado going to get four new starting pitchers?
Meanwhile, things off the field are just not getting any brighter. Clint Hurdle's daughter is back in the hospital. The brothers Monfort don't want to sell the team, but want greater control instead. Dan O'Dowd doubts that Clint Barmes will be back in uniform this year. This season is rapidly transitioning from "trying" to "grotesque."
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