Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
westernhomes (at) yahoo (dot) com
Authoritatively, Clint Barmes' injury was not the result of drunken ATV carousing but rather deer meat. I don't know which is worse, unless you're with the ASPCA crowd. Is it more important that Clint wasn't in violation of the spirit of his contract, or unable to execute as simple an activity as the climbing of stairs? Apparently the Colorado team physicians have inserted nine screws and a titanium pate into Barmes to expedite the healing process. Good luck with air travel, Clint!
As reported elsewhere the A's are taking a look at Joe Kennedy. I looked around in the Bay Area papers for confirmation of this from the Oakland end, but I didn't see anything. I'll keep looking. Also, if this is the only Rockies blog you read (and why is that with so many good ones?) you may not yet have seen that Peter Gammons talked about Kennedy-to-the-A's, Jason Jennings-to-the-Red Sox, and Preston Wilson-to-the-Nationals in his column last week (fourth subheading, third item). Nothing new, really, but he's on TV so it makes it, you know, substantial.
The Orioles traded for Kansas City's Eli Marrero, who I believe was mentioned as an option for the Rockies at one point or another...Ozzie Guillen fuels Preston Wilson-to-the-White Sox rumors...Clint Hurdle is committed to remaining with the Rockies, for the moment...Troy Tulowitzki is a quick sign, which is good news...more about Tulowitzki from the San Jose Mercury News (registration required) in his home region...the Twins are bitter (registration required) about the White Sox getting to play the Rockies, who aren't on their interleague schedule...Joe Kennedy will get some time off as the Rockies skip his next scheduled start.
The Rockies finally have a day off before resuming interleague play against the Tigers on Friday. Good timing, as the first game of the NBA Finals is tonight. Not that my opinion is in any way expert, but I like Detroit in 6.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.