Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
westernhomes (at) yahoo (dot) com
Well, it would have been another 2-1 victory had it not been for those eight consecutive baserunners who reached in the fourth. "He couldn't change speed or direction, and he didn't locate the ball that well," Clint Hurdle said of Byung-Hyun Kim. But what do you really think about him, Clint?
Eddy Garabito hit a two-run shot, the first of his career, Todd Helton had two doubles, and Luis Gonzalez and Ryan Shealy had two hits apiece. Marcos Carvajal was impressive in an extended bullpen appearance, allowing one run and striking out five in three and two-thirds. Rockies pitchers only walked two. Matt Anderson even pitched a scoreless inning, although the mercy rule may have been in effect at that point.
The Rockies managed nine hits but only two runs against Sidney Ponson, which is really not very good. He didn't walk anybody, which is just terrible. Hurdle was very slow to pull the trigger in the 4th when it became painfully clear that BK had batting-practice stuff, but the Rockies offense rolled over as it usually does on the road. Et tu, Preston Wilson? 0 for 3 with two strikeouts?
A friend of mine in the Bay Area instant messaged to say he had seen the SkySox playing the Sacramento River Cats in a rare AAA TV game, and he wondered how Colorado Springs could be so inept, striking out ten times against career minor-leauger Jimmy Serrano. Because their starting lineup is in Denver, I replied. Starting in Denver. The Rockies weren't going to be good this year anyway, but with injuries to Chacon, Greene, Barmes, Holliday, Tsao, and Miles it'll be a minor miracle if they avoid losing 110. Now if they'd stop fooling around with Garabito and Ardoin and Dustan Mohr and take their medicine like it's coming to them, I'd be much gratified. I'm giving them a mulligan on this year. If they're this ghastly against next season, heads are going to roll.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.