Baseball Toaster Bad Altitude
Troy E. Sees the Writing on the Wall...Or, Better Still, the Internet
2006-02-19 13:30
by Mark T.R. Donohue

Post Rockies beatman Troy Renck on the realities of 2006: "Rockies fans, at least those who write regularly and run blogs, aren't clearing their schedules for October. They are predicting about 73 to 76 wins. They get it."

We sure do, Troy. Welcome to the club.

2006-02-19 19:56:39
1.   Tom Stephenson
Hey, just an update... Tap the Rox has moved to It's now called The Coors Effect.
2006-02-20 07:49:09
2.   Kels
I'm sure there has been preseason articles just like this for every team that ending up going last to first in that same year. It probably won't happen to the Rockies but if I'm sticking with them and when they do finish first, I will look like a genius to my friends. And showing up my friends is one of life's little pleasures. Go Rox!

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