Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
westernhomes (at) yahoo (dot) com
In about one hour's time I will be virtually schlepping over to to watch the 2007 First-Year Player Draft... preview show. No, really. Behind the scenes of the Toaster, there has been a lot of bagging on the draft going on this morning. I think the estimable Bob Timmerman summed it up best: "Baseball doesn't need a Mel Kiper, Jr. Nobody needs a Mel Kiper, Jr." But hey, what's so exciting about living in the age we do is the fact that if there's any chance people will watch something, they'll put it on somewhere. Sometimes even if there isn't a chance. Look at the NHL playoffs.
For the sake of an argument, here is a hastily compiled list of things I have watched on my television that were more pointless than I expect the MLB draft preview show to be:
Keith Law is the "Mel Kiper" of the Baseball draft but my question is, how good is his hair?
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.