Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
westernhomes (at) yahoo (dot) com
During the Rockies' celebrations of their wins a week ago Monday and then again Saturday night, the postgame radio crew made a point of noting that Clint Hurdle for the most part kept out of the spotlight and let his players have their fun. That's to his credit, but maybe Hurdle's self-restraint wasn't deep strategy -- now breaks the news that the Rockies skipper is fighting a flu bug.
So that's what's changed about him. I knew it was something. The AP story notes that he is continuing to supervise workouts, but keeping several feet of distance between himself and any players. I don't think this is a bad rule of thumb for Hurdle to keep even when 100% healthy.
Now if only matching elbow injuries could prevent him from giving the sacrifice and steal signs and a sore ankle could keep him from making such quick pitching hooks, we'd really have something. We can build a better manager!
I'm sure he'll be in center and leading off Thursday.
Which would be followed by Mark throwing a rock through his TV.
My Denver native buddy, who now lives in NYC, set up a Rockies playoff blog. He's a great writer and has an excellent sense of humor. Check it out.
Get in line for World Series tickets in Phoenix:
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.